Limited Mini Consults Available

Hey y’all fall is here and the holidays are coming like a freight train!  I am booking up fast and trying not to overdo it like I did in spring.  So I have made the decisions to offer mini consults again (which I had actually stopped doing for a time so if you are confused that is why) so I can help more people but quickly and fast.  I won’t be able to schedule but 2-3 more full rooms this year (that includes a board and Basecamp support and hours of back and forth and a plan) but hopefully these mini consults will fill a need and enable me to still work with those of you that have needs and interest!  Email Leslie at clients (at) to book. And I will have more info up soon on the consult page about the differences between services and what is available.


          *Mini consults will be $325 online and $395 local

*Mini consults will cover one-three questions and three emails (the initial email, my suggestions, and a followup)

*Mini consults will occur on Tuesdays and Thursdays and will happen all in one day at the most one week, there will be no dragging on or procrastination on either end (preaching to myself mainly here;)

*Local Mini consults will include approx 1 hr in your home for one- three questions and then a followup email

*Mini consults require self start and initiative

*Mini consults receive no design board


*Give you quick answers and design therapy to get moving

*Help make decisions

*Give you my honest opinions and direction for what will best improve your space and give you most bang for buck

*GET YOU GOING on your space

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