Arranging books

I love this image from Apartment Therapy

And the discussion below the photo.  Such passion about how to arrange books! How do you display your books??  Do you have a system?

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  1. THIS is a pet peeve of mine. First of all, I dont believe for a minute that this is a personal collection that when color sorted it turned out like this. It’s been styled. That being said, I have done this on a much smaller scale in my daughters room and it works to sooth the chaos of all the crap a 7 year old girl has.

    Regarding the silly quote about the bookings sharing a unique dynamic when place next to each other…I am all into frequency and energy but not when it comes to books that happen to share the same made-man cover color!?!?!

    And don’t get me started on people covering books (all white usually) or placing them backwards on a shelf. While its certainly not illegal it cries of book abuse and neglect, and right or wrong, I will assume that the homeowners are not book lovers. It’s kind of like dying your pets hair to match your purse. Sorry to rant…I told you it was a pet peeve of mine.

  2. Pictures like this bother me too. Shouldn’t books be lovingly arranged by author or genre? I think books are a lovely way to claim your space, but it seems fake to color code them. If you love books, like I do, puchase them for their content not their covers.

  3. I think it’s a lovely photo, but it wouldn’t work in my house. 😉 My girls books are grouped by series/theme: Little Golden Books, Berenstain Bears, Fancy Nancy, Arthur, older books, etc. I also do them by size. My own books are kept together by author…or at least I try to keep them together. 😉

  4. It’s all very contrived really isnt it? I prefer my books to have a more real look and sort by genre and size. Some upright, some lying down, with a few knick knacks scattered throughout the shelves.

    (PS your first link to apartment therapy needs tweaking.)

  5. So, maybe this homeowner isn’t a hard core reader, but it IS an interesting visual arrangement. And that pug? Don’t get me started on that chunk of cuteness!!

  6. Holly, I think I like how YOU styled your bookshelf in your header photo even better. But this is really interesting and I do love the photo.

    What you did in your home would fit better in my home too. In this apartment picture I like the colors and the interesting symmetry (sp?). Thanks for sharing. It’s good to see lots of different ideas in styling and design.

  7. While the color is really cool, being a teacher and hopefully a future Library grad student…It drives me nuts because there really isn’t a logical order to the books, because the color of the cover is really not all that significant.

    I love the thought of having a library in my own home and do currently collect books. (My husband and I are both readers.) I have an entire bookshelf dedicated to history books only, (with some small pics and stuff between.) I have the books sorted according to Texas History in one shelf, US History and government on one shelf, and World History and government/economics and religion on another shelf. All of the shelves are arranged in chronological order. (My roommate from college and I also assorted our historical movies that way.)

  8. I love it!!! When I look closely at the shelves I don’t think they have covered the books to match but put them in groups to match…to each his own. Visually I adore this…however if it were mine I probably would go by author author..

    however…if I was totally honest I would grab the cute little beastie and run for the door

  9. OK..I would also steal the cushions…

  10. To be honest with you, I LOVE this arrangement! I majored in English and now write for a living, so my books and bookshelves are constantly taking over my apartment. I have the arranged by function – travel, history, non-fiction, writing/quotes, cookbooks, etc. – but the fiction books that I always keep on the eye-level shelves are the ones that I think are the prettiest! That doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate “uglier” (if you will) books, or love them any less, or am not a true book lover! That’s silly – arranging things a certain way is completely different from altering them permanently. If I had enough colorfully-spined books to arrange like that photograph, I totally would do it!

  11. ONq6TK Good point. I hadn’t thought about it quite that way. 🙂

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