Dressing a boy

As many of you know, finding cute things for boys is not easy..they can only wear so many overalls but I am glad warm weather is here so Henry can now wear these one piece “outfits.” Some call them rompers, I call them “jon jons”  what do you call them?

{from MEKO kids on Etsy}

Daddy can’t hardly handle the peter pan collar shirts underneath these type of one piece rompers but who can resist the chubby baby arms? Daddy probably wouldn’t go for the dot print either. We won’t even discuss smocking. But even Dad would like this blue with red.  And for my July baby..might just be perfect for a birthday outfit!

{from Bud and Branches on Etsy}

Or seersucker..oh how I love seersucker.  This is also seems like the last “baby” baby outfit so maybe the soft colors are a good choice.  And don’t laugh at me for overthinking this..it is pure joy..why deny myself this fun?!

{seersucker from this Etsy shop}

Which is your favorite..I am trying to choose something for Henry’s one year photo and birthday too (maybe all in one).  Drew had pale blue and white  toile for his first birthday outfit (don’t laugh yes toile) so I should probably do something similar color wise in case I want to hang the photos side by side one day.  (See there is a decorating point to this post;;)  BUT I could always do them in black and white if needed and I might anyway…OK I will stop..starting to make even myself sick…ha!

But one last thing, you know what I love about these Etsy clothes…they are well made and you are supporting a regular person not a big corporation with these purchases but also the PRICE.  Everything shown here is $28-39..similar items from Orient Expressed, Ragsland or Strasburg would be two to three times the cost!

So what do you think??  Seersucker for a portrait?  What are your favorite tips for dressing a little boy?  Share your favorite Etsy sellers in the comments..we would love to hear!

Mid-week inspiration

What a crazy week…my poor little fella has a cold and there is a lot of ‘end of the year’ exhaustion but there also seems to be inspiration blooming everywhere..like this brilliance from Rae at Armommy..hello, this means I no longer have to nicely say “shhh” when someone passes through one of our bedroom doors (the one that has so much “character” it does not sit level..ha!)..thanks Rae!

And these placemats, also by Armommy. Do I even need to explain the cuteness?…I didn’t think so! Read my recent post on Armommy here at Oh My! Handmade Goodness, a great new blog.

And it appears while I am thinking about beadboard, the Nester is thinking about board and batten..love it, tons of great links too..also love her new drapes!  What a great office!

So hang on mamas, school is nearly out and there will be more time to stay home, work on projects and enjoy kids and a relaxed schedule! At least that is my plan…can’t wait!

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