HGTV Home Town !!!!!!

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HOME. and TOWN. My favorite things.  So have you heard about HGTV’s new show HOME TOWN that will premiere this Sunday…it features Erin and Ben Napier of Laurel, Mississippi, they have become good friends with Magnolia/Fixer Upper and  my brother Jimmy Don and I have enjoyed learning more about them too! (You were right Peggy Kriel they are awesome) A lovelier couple does not exist. And I can. not. wait. to see their show.  I don’t even watch tv y’all (sorry JD i have caught some of your appearances i promise) but I am excited about this because its about roots, preservation, a small Southern town and old houses!  Oh and they make great things..Erin does letterpress and Ben is a craftsman..they are just so talented and cute and well awesome and I honestly don’t use that word lightly.  IN short I am impressed with their talent, character, and what they are doing, the total package.  She taught my brother to use the word letterpress y’all..she has brought our family together!  ha  Find out all about them here and see some behind the scenes in their town and set your DVR!!!!

And speaking of home and Waco, Magnolia and Jimmy Don… , the boys and Nana and I travelled up to Wacotown last weekend. I wanted my mom to get to see my brother’s wall of work in Magnolia.


{Some of my fave things in Waco, this new shop THE FINDERY just near the Silos, I love the building at the Silos they have slotted for A BAKERY, Common Ground near campus of course, the Dr Pepper Museum, Baylor’s Mayborn Museum where my kids want to go EVERY TRIP and more}

And y’all, it was CROWDED and busy..not just inside the Magnolia shop but all around that area..people walking. A bustle. There hasn’t been much bustle around downtown Waco (except to scramble into a Ninfa’s parking spot) in a long time. It felt bright and safe and engaging. And the campus looks amazing. I admire the Gaines and others for all they are doing and pray it continues in all areas…truly exciting! After looking around old Wacotown we ventured to the old home place.  Literally.  My brother  recently acquired back part of our great grandparents original farm out in Crawford which is a short drive from Waco and the little town where we grew up and went to school in Valley Mills.  The land is literally minutes from where we went to church (which was the building were our Papa Ed went to school when he was little!)

Below my great grandparents Holmes’ windmill by JD’s new house, the boys exploring near a cave and in the river AND DID YOU KNOW, JD has silos by his shop too! Lol I couldn’t resist. I loved going to Crawford when I was a kid..just the road between our town ten minutes away and Crawford felt “happy” because it was the road to my Granny and Papa Ed, I loved going in the old grocery store Amsler’s there with her and looking in the window at the domino hall for my grandpa…little girls aren’t supposed to actually go inside domino halls you know that right?! I can hear the shuffle now! So special even President Bush has a place there!;;


I love seeing my boys roam around where their great grandpa did when he was a boy on the Middle Bosque River! I can’t wait to see all that Jimmy Don does cleaning up and preserving this place and its history!


{Drew and Henry on Uncle JD’s mule ready to find some dirt!}

Below them exploring around an old cave near the Middle Bosque. My attempt at Wacoan Mr Gildersleeve’s photo style..anyone know about him?? He was a hometown wonder in Waco once upon a can see his photos at the Texas Collection on Baylor campus..they are amazing! I learned so much working in the Carroll building doing oral history and researching in the Texas Collection.  Love that place.


Home and family and roots…It’s so important. I love you brother and I am rooting for the show Erin and Ben, y’all please please set your DVR this is a pilot so help with the buzz! It is on right at noon I believe, check may be still at church or getting lunch so SET THE DVR thingy! #HGTVHomeTown





More True Blue Cottage

I hope everyone is having a great holiday week!


I can’t let this season pass without showing more of the True Blue Home Cottage all gussied up for its open house that has been going on throughout December. I had so much fun styling the home using my favorites from the store.  All of the furnishings, lighting, art, accessories were hand-picked and are available for purchase through True Blue Home. Contact me or contact Cindy at customer for more info.


So this cottage is just steps down Main Street from the True Blue Home store in Chappell Hill, Texas. The original structure dates back to the 1850s, and the home has an official “marker” from the Texas Historical Commission. When you step in the front door you enter this charming dining room with shiplap ceiling, True Blue’s signature Visual Comfort lighting, Schumacher drapes designed by yours truly and of course, slipcovers galore! (And yes I wish I could reach into that photo with some Downy Wrinkle Release and jerk down that skirt on the chair, keepin’ it real; But that is the thing with slipcovers easy to adjust and fix! Just not once on film;)


And of course British pottery from Emma Bridgewater…I think we should nickname this pattern the “Bluebonnet Blue” Toast pattern!;


The cottage has one bedroom outfitted in a new, freshly painted pine bed (Made in America) AND is covered in Les Indiennes textiles on the bed and windows! We love their patterns and they can be ordered through the store of course~  The Monogram pillow is custom via moi, Holly Mathis Interiors.  The chandelier over the bed is called FLANDERS from Visual comfort and the bedsides are flanked with alabaster lamps also from Visual Comfort. The blue check is also from Les Indiennes.  The store also carries napkins from Les Indiennes. We can’t get enough of their hand blocked textiles.


I love this chair in the corner of the bedroom.  Hard to believe this original shiplap ceiling had popcorn sprayed over it likely in the 1980s!


The living room is full of shiplap, slipcovered loveseats, more painted and natural pine furniture and the Visual Comfort Country Chandelier! The blue and white throw pillows are by John Robshaw and are available at the store on Main Street! The drapes and fabric hoop ornaments are custom by Holly Mathis Interiors;



The table with white urns above,  hutch and coffee table are all made by the same company and the gorgeous raw pine they use comes in multiple very cottage-y colors!


I love these color samples!


This big white hutch in the kitchen is a built in piece and is  filled to the brim with True Blue’s favorite English pottery patterns from Emma Bridgewater and Burleigh!


This was so fun to style!


Pendants from Visual Comfort of course! This shot shows a good view of the original fireplace. Fabrics from Schumacher on cafe curtains and pillows are available through Holly Mathis Interiors.  All of the slipcovered furniture is also made in America (both bases/frames and the linen slips) and can be purchased from the store. The lamp between the chairs is called the Harper from Visual Comfort and is in stock at True Blue!


From the back door looking toward living can see a smidge of the back of the rock fireplace on left. Isn’t that island amazing.  It was in the home when True Blue acquired the property…amazing piece!


One more detailed shot


I already showed the glorious back porch off of the kitchen in previous but have to show it again…I know, those doors and the blue ceiling, blue chairs and the Visual Comfort lantern in white!


Now let’s go outside to the “Mini Cottage” or “Tiny Cottage” or “She shack” as we call it…this little cottage is truly small indeed but so full of charm and once the styling took on a life of its own it felt a bit of Texas botanist/naturtalist feel to me!


Isn’t the roof pitch cute and I love those white rockers…nothing more Texas than a porch and rocking chair!


This ceiling slays me every time, who cares if a room is not huge if it has a ceiling like this.  Another gorgeous light from Visual Comfort, special order through True Blue Home.


Sofa and chairs are from the Best Slipcover Company and available via True Blue (in fact, the sofa is going home to a lucky customer in The Woodlands, Texas this week!) as are the pillows and lamp.  The antique herbariums over the stripe chair are from Campbell’s Melange in Baton Rouge and more are available through Melisse and I have some in stock as well.


Below another pine piece and of course some blue and white pottery!


That is all of the Tiny Cottage but don’t you want to just sit there with a glass of wine..or out on the patio by the street in these chairs.  I love this neighbor house too..

        The views are good out in Washington County, Texas, y’all! I am telling you, you must visit!


True Blue Home will reopen next Thursday…be sure and watch their Instagram and facebook feeds for more info on the Cottage, future events and what is in store (pun intended) for 2016!!!!

I have enjoyed being a part of this project so much and hope you can all come see it in person!

Special thanks for Natalie Lacy Lange for her help with these amazing photos.  She is wonderful to work with and so very talented and kind!


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